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    A total of 645 news

Broadway Hits East

2012/7/23 0:00:00

Since The Odd Couple premiered on Broadway in 1965, Neil Simon's comedy was staged over 600 times, with adaptations and spin-offs around the globe. China's Hebei Theater Company, about to celebrate its 60th anniversary, will now stage this classic, the first authorized adaptation in China. The ensemble is composed of eight expat actors and actresses, a mix of professionals and amateurs, who wi...

Something You must Know About the Job Interview in China

2012/7/23 0:00:00

During the interview, the hiring manager is trying to get a sense of who you are — you can answer all of their questions perfectly, but what about everything else you do during the time that you spend together? Are you supposed to accept the cup of coffee they offer? And what do your hand movements say to them? And who are you supposed to look at in a panel interview? In the book "Crazy Good Int...

5 Things You Need To Do Immediately After Quitting.a Job in China

2012/7/20 0:00:00

You've just waltzed out of your soon-to-be-former boss’s office after successfully giving your two weeks notice. You’ve handled the situation with aplomb and while hopefully putting up a fight to keep you, your current employer accepted the situation with dignity and your final day at work has been set.Don’t start celebrating yet. There are still several things you should consider before your gr...

A Drunken Foreign Student Lying on the Fast Lane, Saved by Taxi Driver

2012/7/19 0:00:00

A drunken foreign student lied on the fast lane on the west Youyi Street, Xian province, July 16, 2012. Fortunately, a taxi driver found him and called police. To keep the safety of the student, the driver was commanding other vihicle as well as waiting for the police. After researching, this foreign student is studying in Northwestern Polytechnical University. Finally, the police sent him to th...

Money is very Importantstill Things that can not be Bought with Money

2012/7/19 0:00:00

1. TimeMoney will not be able to return the time that has elapsed. After change of day, the 24 hours will be lost and will not likely be back again. Therefore use every opportunity to express your attention and affection to the person you love and you really love, before that time passes and you regret it.2. HappinessIt sounds weird, but this is reality. Money can make you feel happy because y...

A Moving Moment Happened in Peking University

2012/7/17 0:00:00

On July 13, 2012, the president of Peking University, Zhou Qifeng went back to his hometown, Liuyang of Hunan province to celebrate his mother’s 90th birthday. He knelt down in front of his mother and cried, ‘due to my busy work I didn’t come to celebrate your 80th birthday, I was so sorry about that. Today is your 90th birthday, I’m here being with you now!’

The Meaning of Gift

2012/7/17 0:00:00

The list of the meaning of gifts      1.scarf---i  love you forever      2.letter---i miss you      3.flower---i wish you can keep my name in your mind believe you are smart      5.chutty---i wanna associate with you for a long time      6.ring---you...

7 Ways to Say “No” Without Offending Anyone

2012/7/16 0:00:00

How many ways are there to say “No” without offending anyone’s feeling? Well, there is “No, I can’t”, “No, I don’t have time” and “No, I don’t want to”. But the problem is that many of us try to avoid situations that require us to say “No” to people. In almost every culture this little word is associated with rejection, failure, egoism and a lack of tact and empathy towards others.I can not reca...

Watermelon in Summer

2012/7/16 0:00:00

    Summer, the hottest season in a year. But there is no need to worry, watermelon is the saver. In summer, watermelon not only can effectively release the hot, but supply necessarywater and nutrition for body, such as suger, vitamin. Watermelon is called 'paihutang' in Compendium of Materia Medica wrotten by li shizhen. It is beneficial for releaseiing torrid, thirst,i...

Funny Face When Baby Eat Lemon-So Cute

2012/7/13 0:00:00

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