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Foreigners in China

2012/11/9 0:00:00

There's an old saying that goes ' When in Rome, do as Romans do." So if you want to get used to life in China, do as the Chinese do. Actually, many foreigners have gone native in China.          

Pics Show Foreigner's Life in China

2012/11/9 0:00:00

Chinese Culture Warmly Welcomed in South Carolina, USA

2012/11/7 0:00:00

The annual Spartanburg International Festival was held at Barnet Park in Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA .October 6, 2012, People all around the world joined together to enjoy an amazing variety of food, clothing, and culture show. Visitors were looking at the wonderful Chinese ties with various panda and dragon designs Yongmei Hu and Zhu Han, two teachers from Confucius Institute of Presbyt...

Transferring Money Overseas From China for Foreign Students

2012/11/5 0:00:00

Whether you have mountains of student loans and credit card debt looming or you're just looking to dump some red notes into your hometown bank, it's important to find the cheapest way to transfer your hard-earned RMBs to your overseas bank accounts. Having personally done this numerous times, I had to learn the hard way (i.e., lost a lot of money) how to transfer money overseas. There are three ...

6 Tips for Navigating the Chinese Supermarket

2012/11/1 0:00:00

At first glance, Chinese supermarkets appear to offer a much-needed oasis of familiarity and order to newly-arrived expats struggling to make sense of their unfamiliar surroundings. The well-lit and neatly arranged displays seem like direct transplants from life back home, and the store itself may even be a Western chain such as Carrefour or Tesco.  But after a few minutes wandering the ai...

Chinese Folk Residences

2012/11/1 0:00:00

Folk residences are the earliest architectural types in the history of China. These residences are usually in diversified forms with no restrictions and built according to local conditions. They are the buildings with the strongest folk styles and local flavors in Chinese architectural art. As a country with vast territory and long history, China has various natural and humanistic environments...

Healthy Ways to Manage Stress

2012/10/31 0:00:00

People experience stress, whether from a major event like divorce, or work-related stress. Whatever the cause, stress can actually speed up your heart, according to WebMD. Stress can lead to health problems such as headaches, stomach pain and back pain. Some people smoke to reduce stress, while others may eat more. These methods don't work to relieve the stress overall, they just give you a feel...

2012 Beautiful Sceneries in Autumn China

2012/10/31 0:00:00


Day at the park can be disco inferno

2012/10/29 0:00:00

Sarah Marsh, comes from London describes the first experience in Beijing which impressed her most is the day at park can be disco inferno. In a hutong in Gulou, a large crowd of people is congregating, and they have organized themselves into lines. All of a sudden music starts - faintly at first but then it gets louder. The people begin waving their arms in unison; they sway slowly from side ...

Tips on Avoiding Discomforts in China

2012/10/17 0:00:00

Sometimes your tour may be unpleasant because of the discounts caused by the different climate, eating habits and some other factors. We can give you some suggestions to get rid of the bad mood when you are abroad. Searching for enough information about the climate and weather in your destinations Packing suitable clothes if your itinerary includes those destinations which have wide ran...

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