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Best Wishes from CUECC to Dear Teachers and Students
"A teacher has two jobs; fill young minds with knowledge, yes, but more important, give those minds a compass so that that knowledge doesn't go to waste." Mr. Holland's Opus (1995) – Helen Jacobs (Olympia Dukakis, a characher in the film Mr. Holland's Opus)
in your life, how many teachers will you meet and among them , is there anyone who has left you deep impression and even influenced your life?
古之学者必有师。师者,所以传道受业解惑也。---《师说》 韩愈
In ancient times those who wanted to learn would seek out a teacher,one who could propagate thedoctrine,impart professional knowledge,and resolve doubts. ---《Shi Shuo》 Han Yu (Tang Dynasty)
The teacher not only teaches knowledge to his students, but teaches them how to be a good person. He taught us without teaching, this is the best of teaching. We maybe impatient, and even mad to our teachers who tried to monitor us on everything and correct us whenever possible. But they are also the ones that we miss the most after graduation.
Like in the film Les choristes, The Choir, Beibinuo is one of the wonders. A really good teacher is not only willing to give his faith and love to the children with exceptional talent and special gift, but also will be willing to give energy to each kind of Kids. The growth of genius needs freedom and tolerance, when ordinary people is growing, they need more patience, more respect for the choice of life.
Education is not a pile of project of survival of the fittest, it should be guided by the essence of life’s great love.
On September 10, it is the Chinese Teachers' Day. Here, we don't have any other thing but our sincere respect, to give to all of our teachers,
Happy Teachers' Day
Also , as the beginning of a new term, we hereby wish all the freshmen a good new life in the university. It is almost the register time for our new students, do not forget to take all your luggage and materials to the university. Hope all of our students have a bright future!

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