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Qingdao International Beer Festival welcomes foreign participants

Eight days have passed since the beer-drinking contest opened on Aug 11 at the Qingdao International Beer Festival in Shandong province. Four British students participated in the contest on Aug 19, making the contest more exciting. However, their efforts were all in vain because they broke the contest rules. Zhang Xuesen and Jiang Guoqing each won single awards.
"I am an exchange student at Peking University, and this is the second time I have attended the Qingdao beer festival. This time I brought three British classmates to the festival," said Gong Langxian, who gave the reporter her Chinese name.
The four British students are from Cambridge and Oxford universities and are studying at Peking University as exchange students. They left for Qingdao only to participate in the beer-drinking contest.
Two beautiful British girls, Bao Beikang and Tao Liwei, won a round of thundering applause when they went on stage to compete. During the "speeding–up" match (500ml), Bao Beikang scored 16.21 seconds, but she was disqualified for leaving more than 50 ml of beer in the bottle. Tao Liwei finished in 33.62 seconds. Two of their friends were also disqualified for breaking the rules in the one-off match (1,500ml). Due to their enthusiasm, the organizers awarded the British participants a cosmetic gift package worth 300 yuan ($49).