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Zhangjiang-a Beautiful Coastal City


Zhanjiang, situated in the southwest of Guangdong Province, is known as a beautiful coastal city that can absolutely help you unwind.

Sea is its most distinguished feature. In summer, sky and sea are hardly separable in that all-pervading azure just like a whole blue piece of ribbon with shining golden dots . Herman Melville's metophor well describes such a scene,( quote), " Aloft, like a royal czar and king, the sun seemed giving this gentle air to this bold and rolling sea; even as bride to groom." Just imagine taking a stroll on the beach , enjoying the gorgeous sunshine, embracing the wind at the seaside, immersing yourself in this complete azure, surely your exhaustion will be swept away all at once. In winter, the sea looks just as mesmerizing. How calm, how deep, how mysterious!

Zhanjiang seascape

Zhanjiang is also well known for its cuisine. It is rich in raw materials especially sea food. Shrimps, crabs, name it, and we have it! Besides, its cuisine is characterized as fresh and authentic in taste, and thus beneficial to people's health.

Deep fried mantis shrimp with garlic and chili peppers