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Tips for Booking Train Tickets in China

Let's face it: buying train tickets in China can be a big, migraine-inducing pain in the butt; thanks to the "ingenious" policy of giving everyone in the country simultaneous vacations, travelling during a national holiday means that you're literally competing with hundreds of millions of others for that tiny, pink piece of paper they call a train ticket.

But securing your spot on a train doesn't necessarily mean camping outside a travel agency until the first batch of pre-sale tickets go on sale (usually 10-12 days before), or trying to suppress a bout of rage as every second person cuts you in line at the train station's ticket window. With a bit of tact, know-how and planning, your train ticket may just be a few clicks or phone calls away.

Different methods of buying train tickets

There are four official ways to buy train tickets in China: online, via telephone, at a train station or through a travel agent. Let's take a look at each method in more detail:

1) Online bookings

There's only one website you need to know about for purchasing tickets online via legal channels: This is literally China's only official train ticket selling website; all others are not officially recognized and pose risks. However, the immediately apparent drawback with using this site as a foreigner is that no English version is available.

Not only is this site good for bookings, but it also includes useful information about timetables, number of tickets still available, info about delays etc.

Step one is registering an account with the site, acquiring a username and entering your passport number (don't worry, ID numbers are required for just about everything these days in China). Once you've completed this step, you can browse and complete your online purchase by following the prompts. A real-name system is in place for all purchases through this website, regardless of whether you buy bullet, high-speed or regular train tickets and only one train ticket can be bought per trip per ID. However, additional children's tickets can be bought for the same trip using the same account name and ID.

Ticket buying period: tickets can be bought from 07:00-23:00 any day of the week, and usually become available for purchase 12 days prior to departure. However, this frequently changes especially around major national holidays such as Spring Festival and there are also variations from station to station and city to city. To avoid disappointment, make sure to check out the pre-sale info here (ask your Chinese-speaking friend to help you if you can't read Chinese). Another thing to keep in mind is that tickets must be bought at least two hours before departure.

Getting the ticket: once you've bought the ticket online you can go to any ticket agency or train station ticket window with your passport to pick up the ticket. Apart from train stations, all other ticket outlets will charge a 5 RMB fee when collecting the ticket.

2) Telephone bookings

This option is only available to those who can speak fluent Chinese, as there are currently no English services offered by official ticket booking hotlines. The number to call – regardless of which city you're located in – is 9510 5105.

In Beijing, one person can purchase five seated tickets (but five different valid ID numbers are required) and three sleeper tickets (quoting three different valid ID numbers). In Shanghai and Guangzhou, a maximum of three tickets can be purchased per person (three different valid ID numbers), regardless of ticket type. In addition, Guangzhou has a rule that if you book a ticket but don't pick it up or cancel it, you will be barred from using the same ID number to book tickets in the future.

Before booking tickets via this hotline, make sure to have your ID number, name of departure city and destination ready. Follow the automated prompts to book your ticket. Once you've input all the relevant info, you should get an automated message sent to your phone with an order number. You must show this number, together with your passport, when picking up the ticket.

Advance bookings: Tickets can be booked 4-12 days before departure, but as mentioned earlier, exact pre-sale booking periods vary. Call 12306 to check the pre-sale booking period.

Collecting tickets: Tickets booked before noon will be reserved until midnight, while tickets booked after midday will be reserve until midday the following day. If tickets are not collected during these times, it will automatically be cancelled. To collect the ticket, simply go to the train station or ticket agency and present your passport and order number. An additional 5 RMB fee is charged at all travel agencies.

3) Train stations

Train tickets can be bought at stations ten days in advance. All tickets bought at train stations require valid ID, regardless of the train type (high-speed, bullet, regular). Usually, tickets are available for purchase right until the train's due departure, but obviously tickets are subject to availability.

4) Travel agencies

Tickets can be bought through various types of travel agents: specialised train and plane booking agencies, hotels and guest houses. While most large hotels can arrange tickets for you, this option is more expensive, as they usually charge very high service fees for each booking. Regular travel agencies sell tickets up to ten days in advance (subject to change). These agencies are scattered throughout most cities, and are a popular and convenient booking method. To secure a ticket, just bring your passport with you; a modest 5 RMB service charge will be added per ticket. However, expect long queues outside these agencies around national holidays. The earlier you go stand in line, the higher your chances of getting a ticket.