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Feeling of Foreigners Living in China

I almost never experienced any "bad treatment" form Chinese people. They stare? Yes sometimes They do? So what? Does it hurt? ;) Smile to Them in reply.

Many people yells "hallloooo". Problem? Reply them lauder "ni hao!". And smile :)

All that They do, because of curiosity, and because we are little different then They. For me it is absolutely nothing wrong or unpleasent in it.

If You are foreginer type "I'm from BETTER world, and you have to understand me, because I will not learn Your culture and customs" - China can be crap for You, but only because of You :)

If You are foreigner type "I'm here to know this place and people, and maybe try to understand, I'm the same like You, only I'm rised in DIFFERENT culture" - probably You will love China, or at list it will be for You just another place on Earth, not better or not worst, but different.

dude be prepared to learn this place. don't come here without the notion of there will be little differences or that you won't be treated well.
in face most of my chinese friends say they treat us better than each other. why? I do not know.

simply put, come here, check it out, don't be a horse's ass by jerking around, be kind, learn some Chinese and enjoy your time.

if you come here with arrogance and act like a fool, not only will the Chinese treat you poorly, so will I.

CHina is a cool place, and offers a lifetime of new adventure, each day you will find new things to learn and it never ends.

word of advice. dont be a drunk fool in sanlitun

In any country you get the treatment >>YOU<< deserve. Be an arsehole and you will be treated as a pariah, be nice, civil and smile and you will be well treated.

Be glad you are travelling these days, When I first went to China in 1978 foreigners (Lao Wai) were so rare that whole streets would stop and stare at the sight of a westerner. Things have got a lot better in many parts of China since then, but they will pay you more attention than you expect, especially in areas where foreigners seldom visit. Do expect to have a lot of requests for photos to be taken with you, especially if you have blue eyes, blond hair or fair skin. On my last trip to Fujian and Jianxi Provinces I was in some smaller cities and poorer areas where tourists / westerners rarely stop and I was very much the centre of attention.

As long as your not arrogant or pushy (e.g: Loudmouth Yank) the Chinese will be very hospitable. Be very aware of good looking women offering to take you to tea houses, where upon you will drink the world's most expensive cheap tea and then you will be alleviated of up to several thousand RMB in fees. a If you try to walk out or get physical things will turn very ugly very fast.  

To recap, go with a positive attitude, learn a few simple phrases and keep an open mind. China is not the USA, Europe or Australia, it's far more vibrant, far more enjoyable in many ways and the people are very warm and friendly for the most part.