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Farewell to a Hero in Beijing

On July 29, in the Beijing district of Fangshan, escorted by police cars, accompanied by his family, Li Fanghong's hearse slowly pulled out of Yanhua hospital gate. Tens of thousands of local residents stood on both sides of the road, holding chrysanthemums, putting up banners,  and waiting in a line which stretches for 56 kilometers to see him off. Li is a police inspector who lost his life while trying to rescue villagers trapped by floodwaters, at the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing, capital of China, July 29, 2012. Li, 45, was electrocuted by a live wire that had fallen into the water after rescuing 63 people in the village of Fenghuangting in the suburban Fangshan District on July 21, when the heaviest rain in six decades battered the capital city.