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Chinese Dream - Africans in Guangzhou.

In this place, there are more Africans than Asians, as English, French and Spanish mixed with Mandarin and Cantonese can usually be heard, scent of perfume can be smelt everywhere, colorful African long gowns are hung on the hangers along the street, and with 20 US dollars you can get yourself a African-style haircut by a barber who’s been to Africa to learn the skill. Picture shows the Africans in the street of Guangzhou.

Every noon, Nelson takes on his huge backpack and drags a trash-collection-bag-like black plastic bag and appears in Jianan clothing mall, where black faces are everywhere to be seen, in an underdone Chinese bargaining with Chinese bosses, spending 10,000 Yuan on 500 pairs of fake Adidas jeans or Armani T-shirts. They take these cheap products back to Africa and sell them. “There are not much factories in Africa. People don’t care about brands. It’s ok to wear clothes as long as it’s not bad.” These are the basis of the business of the African merchants. In the picture, Nelson, the Nigerian merchant is taking escalator in Guangzhou.