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Thousands of people show respects at memorial service of hero driver

Tens of thousands of people across Hangzhou city in East China's Zhejiang province have paid their respects at the memorial service of local bus driver Wu Bin. He died in a fatal highway accident one week ago, but saved the lives of his 24 passengers. An investigation into the cause of the accident is still underway.

The crowd was immersed in sorrow as Wu's body was escorted to the funeral home. A local taxi company organized a fleet to follow the hearse to show their respects.

Taxi driver, Hangzhou City, said, "He saved 24 people's lives, which is deeply touching. He did something worth being remembered for."

Wu's memorial on Tuesday saw large crowds gather again. The city of Hangzhou has recognized him as a hero.

Wu was hit by metal debris that ripped through the vehicle's windshield while he drove along the highway. Deeply injured in the arms and stomach, he safely stopped the coach in a final act of heroism. Barely able to stand, he then made sure all the passengers escaped unharmed. The 48 year old driver later died of his injuries. Investigations into the cause are ongoing.

Cao Jianping, vice director of Traffic Police Brigade, Wuxi City, said, "The debris smashed the compound before hitting Wu's body. Passengers helped him to move here after the coach stopped, you can still see his blood."

A booklet left by Wu also helps explain his reaction at the fatal moment. "It indicates he’d been learning the rules on safety procedures, his response actually reflected the professional training he'd received."

Local police say the metal debris may have come from a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction in another lane. It's been sent for further examination as part of the inquiry into what caused the accident.

Tens of thousands of people across Hangzhou city in East China's
Zhejiang province have paid their respects at the memorial service of
local bus driver Wubin