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The Capital of China Beijing ready to welcome visa-free visitors

The capital of China announced on Wednesday that, from Jan 1, visitors from 45 countries will be allowed a three-day stay without a visa.
The countries include the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Japan and Singapore, according to the committee.
No decision has been made on including more countries and the program will have to be evaluated.
Tourists from the 45 countries, as long as they hold a ticket to a third country and proof of identity, are entitled to the visa exemption, the committee said
Business tours and high-end travel will benefit the most.
"Those on business trips usually don't have sightseeing plans, so they're free to explore when they have time," Zhang said. "However, the relatively tight visa restrictions China now adopts only put potential visitors off.''
Foreigners have to carry identity documents with them while traveling during the 72 hours, and their documents must be checked by police within 24 hours of their arrival in the city.
"We have prepared cultural performances, including martial arts and Beijing Opera, in the evening so that they can enjoy more of the city's charm in a short space of time," said Sun Lianqin, deputy general manager of the company.
The visa exemption only applies to the capital. To go to other cities, foreigners will have to go through the public security bureau's exit and entry administration.
The program will make the city more accessible and allow tourism to be a strategic pillar of the economy, the Beijing Tourism Development Committee said. "The waiver is definitely a giant step forward that will greatly boost tourism," said Zhang Hui, a professor of tourism at Beijing Jiaotong University.
In addition, the waiver is expected to increase jobs at the airport. One extra flight can create hundreds of positions over the year, according to the committee.