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National Holiday Provides Happy Moments

The National Day Holiday provides an occasion for people to relax, from the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers, to natural hot springs and amusement parks.

Yuntai Mountain in Central China’s Henan Province attracts more than 60 thousand visitors a day during the National Day Holiday. Many of the visitors have come a long way, just to enjoy the happy moments. To cope with the huge numbers, additional parking lots are provided near the mountain.

There are also temporary tickets booths and first aid facilities. In Nanjing, capital of eastern Jiangsu Province, the attraction is hot springs. Visitors soak up the tranquility. But health experts recommend a break from the heat every 20 minutes.

50 children of migrant workers, whose parents are away, get a day at an amusement park in Wuhu County in Anhui Province. The treat was arranged by local government organizations. The adventure includes 3-D movies and roller coaster rides.