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Life Measures Improving in China

CHINESE people's livelihoods improved between 2000 and 2010 with disposable incomes rising, average living space expanding and people enjoying longer lives, a report by the National Bureau of Statistics shows.

However, the income gap between urban residents and the rural population is still large, it said.

Disposable annual incomes in China were 10,046 yuan (US$1,549) on average in 2010, or 2.73 times that of 2000. Living area per person increased to 27 square meters in 2010 from 19 in 2000, the report showed.

Child mortality dropped to 1.64 percent in 2010, compared to the 3.97 percent 10 years ago, and people expected to live, on average, for 73.5 years in 2010, compared with 2000's 71.4.

"China has been marching steadily toward becoming a middle-income country," the report said. But it pointed out that the wide income gap between the city and the countryside was an issue that needed to be addressed.

According to consumer research report published by Science Press earlier this month, China's urban per capita disposable income soared 55 times from 1978 to 2010. For rural residents, however, the increase was 43-fold.

The earnings gap between the city and the countryside narrowed to 1.8 times during the 1980s from 2.5 times in the late 1970s, but widened to 3.3 times in 2009, it said.

China's gross domestic product grew at a steady pace, averaging 9 percent between 2000 and 2010, making the country the world's second-largest economy.

Rising inflation, high home prices and food safety were top concerns for Chinese people, according to recent reports by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.