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Overseas Chinese Return for Job Prospects

Seventy percent of returned overseas Chinese have voluntarily come back home, commanding monthly salaries ranging from 3,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan a month, according to a survey by an education group, Oriental Morning Post reports.

The Education International Cooperation Group surveyed 7,000 Chinese who had studies or worked overseas to find out about their career pursuits and living conditions after they returned to China. The participants represented various occupations.

According to survey, most overseas Chinese said they required a rational salary when job hunting in China because of the increasing difficulty in getting a job at state-owned and top global companies.

While the average starting salary of returned overseas Chinese was around 3,000 yuan, about 71 percent of the survey respondents said their monthly salaries ranged from 3,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan. About 15 percent reported that they earned more than 10,000 yuan a month. Only 6 percent of the respondents said they earned more than that amount because they had highly paid positions as partners, company owners or chief executive officers.

Privately owned companies were a big attraction for many survey respondents who decided to return to China, with 46 percent working for such a business on the mainland.

Most of the respondents said they were satisfied with the current employment situation in China and their jobs in terms of salary, opportunities for promotion, and their company's future growth prospects. Only 6 percent expressed discontent.