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How to detect new 'WN12' counterfeit RMB note
Recently, a batch of counterfeit RMB notes starting with serial number “WN12” and "YE62" has been found in the market, according to the Guangzhou Daily.
This fake money has a higher quality than the “HD90” and “HB90” which were first found in Guangdong province, where about 90 percent of the nation's counterfeit money comes from.
Experts say this counterfeit money is hardly distinguishable from authentic ones. Here are some tips to detect them:
1) The color of the “100” in the lower left corner wil turn blue or green alternatively when moving a real bill up and down while that of a fake one remains unchanged.
2) The “¥100” on the metal line on the back of a fake bill looks ill-defined while that of a real one is clear.
3) The “bubbles” in the upper left corner of a fake bill are vague and the colours are in various shades, while those of a real one are clear and consistent.
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