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New Concept Life Style in China


Hu Guodong has two meals a day - breakfast and dinner - with possibly just a simple tea in between. He believes the big time gap is the best way to replenish energy and consume calories.

A jog every morning is an indispensable way of controlling his weight and he prefers wearing comfortable casual clothes and sneakers. If he absolutely must wear a suit, he takes it off as soon as he can. His diet for the past 11 months has been almost totally organic.

"I don't reckon having a car is a must - why not use the subway and when it comes to luxuries, they're just charming gifts for business partners," says Hu, smiling.

The businessman only came across the idea of "green collar" a year ago but has been familiar with such a lifestyle for quite a while.

"Green collar", the idea advocating "Naturalism, Health and Harmony", was proposed in 2003 by Zuo Shiguang, chairman of Greencollar Investments, and spread quickly, especially among the affluent.

Among the common messages are: "Turn off your mobile at work, eat food rich in vitamin C and go out at weekends." These have become second nature for Hu and many people like him.

"Blending these into your daily life is the secret, rather than carrying them out rigidly," he says. "The concept of green collar should be a drive for equilibrium between your mental and physical well-being."

Zuo, meanwhile, believes the key lies in achieving a balance between a successful career and moderate lifestyle, without excesses.

"Physical health is the prerequisite to psychological health and then a prosperous career comes your way naturally," says Li Wenjin, representative of Shanghai Oriental TV Station in Beijing. She accepts Zuo's ideas wholeheartedly and is changing her lifestyle step by step.

Despite her busy schedule, which includes being in charge of four programs, Li has for the past two years insisted on putting aside enough time to lead a group going mountain climbing at weekends. Her skin exudes a healthy color, thanks to the sun.

She used to sleep till noon on weekends and have a long afternoon tea chatting with friends. She went to the gym regularly but rarely did any outdoor activities. "Things changed as soon as I recognized the green collar concept."

Li's adoption of "green collar" has been more high-end and organic food is her first choice. "I'd rather spend money on food without side effects to my health even if it costs more," she declares. On the one hand, she takes home leftovers from meals out but on the other, she never begrudges spending extra money on brand-name food.

"Only a limited number of people can make a green-collar life come true," she says. Li says it's like a "fashion" for her but in truth, she is a great ambassador for "green collar", retaining a great passion for developing her career but also placing importance on finding time to relax. "Health and balance should be a desire for all," she says.

Despite her caution, it seems if you're "green in heart", you, too, can be a "green collar".