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Shopping in Guangzhou


Guangzhou is a shopper's paradise for the wide variety of inexpensive clothing, electronics, and other consumer goods available in its stores, markets and malls. Along with these 21st century staples, though, Guangzhou is also a great place to shop for traditional Cantonese handicrafts, food and souvenirs, such as Canton Carvings, Canton Enamel, Canton Embroidery, Wang Laoji Herbal Tea and Lychee. The first choices for most locals wanting to show off Guangzhou's shopping opportunities to visitors are usually Shanxiajiu Pedestrian St. and Zhongshan Wulu – Beijing Lu; however the city has nearly a dozen important Shopping Districts.

Zhuangyuan Fang (Number One Scholar Lane) on Renmin Nanlu is known for its Korean and Japanese goods, and is a favorite haunt of the young and fashionable. Those interested in traditional Cantonese craftwork will want to visit Hualin Jadeware St. and Wende Cultural Shopping Street. If you are looking for Canton Carvings you may want to head to South Jade Carving Factory where you can find not only jade, but ivory and wooden sculptures as well. Wende Cultural Shopping Street, near Beijing Lu, is known as "Guangzhou's Gallery", since this street has some of the best shops selling calligraphy, paintings, carvings and Canton Enamel.

Of course, Guangzhou also has numerous department stores where you can find Chinese and international brands at competitive prices. Two of the best known are Tee mall and China Plaza (Zhonghua Guangchang), packed with stylish boutiques selling the latest fashions. Those heading to the altar may want to check out Jiangnan Dadao Wedding St.; wedding outfits from the traditional to the ultramodern are sold at the street's many shops.

For a different experience try shopping in the middle of the night at one of the city's many night markets. Bargain hard, and remember that many vendors offer the same items, so, if you can't reach an agreement with one, you can always move on.