SHNU Authority Signs Agreement with University in Netherlands
Recently, SHNU Party Secretary Lu Jianfei was invited to visit Netherlands and joined the centennial anniversary of Erasmus University Rotterdam on November 8th. Lu met Mrs. Pauline, the university president, for a pleasant and effective talk, during which both sides expressed satisfaction for former exchanges and cooperation.
Founded in 1913, Erasmus University Rotterdam is a famous comprehensive university of strong education and scientific strengths. In 2006, the university founded a Sino-European Research Center of Urban Cities Comparison with SHNU.
After that, Lu was invited to visit University of Arts in Poznan and was received by its president Mrcin Berdyszak. Both sides signed agreement on students’ exchange.
Founded in 1919, University of Arts in Poznan covers 9 disciplines concerning modern arts and design areas. It starts cooperative programs with SHNU in 2007, mainly on international work camp and exchanges of both teachers and students.

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